

Weather Control
– Fully managed weather system with seasons.
– Dynamic world temperature control with weekly forecasts and extreme weather presets.
– Rain (and snow, since v1.26) are not random and will occur only in the right season. On summer it gets hot especially around August and winters are persistently cold especially around January.


Heat effects on player (comfort)
– Buildings do not protect from the cold but will provide a small shelter from the wind.
– Vehicles will provide shelter from the wind as long as all doors are installed and non of the windows is broken.
– In case the vehicle is not properly closed, driving at medium to high speeds will cause chilling wind effects on the player. This effect also applies to bicycles and motorbikes.
– Vehicles will not provide heat unless the engine is turned on.





Clean Skinning
– Skinning animals without using basic hygiene may contaminate the meat.
Detailed info in Crafting Recipes & Actions


Spontaneous Crops
– Vegetables and fruit might grow spontaneously in greenhouses around the world (as long as it’s not based on snow, i.e. Sakhal, Namlask).


– Slow growth times (days instead of minutes).
– Chances of growth are tied with the weather and the current season (October is the best time in the year to get good yields of Pumpkins)
– Plants will yield crops at least twice before they die (fertilization will provide more).
– Infested plants might infest the entire garden plot or greenhouse.


– Players can get drunk from alcoholic beverages.
– Includes new and unique medical symptoms and conditions – Drunkenness (See Drunkenness mod page for detailed info).


Cooking Recipes
– New cooking stages were added, boiling food does not end there. It is possible to make soups, stew, ciders and more.
– Cooked meals will provide higher energy values. In general, the nutritional values of all cooked meals or crafted beverages are a result of the used ingeredients.


For more information, see the Cooked Recipes page.





Each map is divided to territories to allow safe PVE gameplay mixed with PVP, giving the player the choice how and where to play.
While PVE territories rely on a set of rules, non of them apply on PVP areas.

Each map has its own PVP/PVE settings:
– Chernarus is mostly PVE, PVP can be converted to PVE.
– Livonia is mostly PVP with selected territories that may be converted to PVE.
– Deer Isle is PVE only on the main island, anywhere outside of it is PVP, conversion is no allowed.
– Sakhal is all PVP with only one PVE territory.

PVP/PVE Indicator
A “swords” icons will appear on the players status interface (bottom GUI), indicating that the player has entered a PVP territory.

Gas Strike Sirens
The sirens are triggered by artillery strikes.
Each territory has its own local alarm, including speakers, which is located next to the territory flag.

Base Building
– Players are encouraged to build their bases in PVE areas which are considered to be “safe”, since we enforce our rules only there.
– Base raids are not allowed in PVE areas, although we cannot prevent them from happening, players will be banned if they break the rules.
– Base owners will need to check their bases from time to time and report to admins in case their base was raided so we can act. We do not ban players on assumption, we do investigate each case as long as they reported by the base owners themselves.


For more information, see the Territories page.



Player Modifications


– Wet Gloves & mask: Drinking from a well with your hands while wearing gloves or mask – will make them wet.

– Slow Beard Growth: Up to 1 week (males only…).




Vehicle Management


– Motorized land vehicles are managed by the server in order to give all players the chance to find one for themselves.
– In most cases, every player can register one vehicle. Registration can be done in specific buildings on each map.
– Idle vehicles will start to deteriorate after 2 weeks
– An Oil Gasket (virtual component) was added to all vehicles and it requires maintenance once in a long while, otherwise the vehicle will leak oil.
– The engine can be turned on only by using a Car Key, or a Screwdriver. New Car Keys can be paired with the vehicle as well.
– Vehicles can be locked. From the inside, or from the outside by using a key.


For more information, see Vehicle Management page.



Additional Items


– Furniture: Custom storage items including a working Baking Oven and Fridges (2 models), various types of closets & crates for base builders.

Vans: The original mod VeeDub by Spurgles was imported into our mod since the mod was taken down from Steam by the creator and access to files was given to all.



Radio-based Events & Missions


– Radio Missions / UVB-76: ..- .-. -. / — -. / -.– — ..- .-. / .-. .- -.. .. —

Random Events: From time to time, events may appear on the map. Sometimes the “Operator” will broadcast information on the radio regarding their location.

*Note: The missions and events system is unique and was developed for Last Resort servers only.
Much of it was inspired by Survivor Missions (By Funcdoc), some of our missions were developed originally for SM, one of them published to all (Train Wreck), but eventually they were imported to the new system.
LR missions are based on voice-over-radio, coordinates by voice and Morse code. Some missions (currently on Chernarus) are based on stages and require some thinking, in some cases the clues will be given over radio.




*All server features were developed and maintained by Last Resort.