– 1 x pot / cauldron filled with water (up to 2 liters).
– 1 x Powdered Milk pack for 2 liters of water ratio.
– 1 x pot / cauldron filled with at least 50% of water.
– Berries – Your desired quantity and variant or a mix of both.
– Rosehip Tea: Canina Berries
– Elderberry Tea: Sambucus Berries
– Rosehip-Elderberry mix Tea: Mix of both
Tea with Milk
– Tea: Any kind
– Add Milk (up to 50ml)
Mashed Fruits
– 1 x pot / cauldron filled with at least 50% of water.
– Boil fruits (any single type or a mix)
– When all fruits are boiled, remove from fire or stove and Mash with a Meat Tenderizer.
– Available Mash types: Apple, Pear, Plum, Elderberry and Fruits
Fresh Ciders
– 1 x pot / cauldron with Mashed Fruits
– Strain with a Burlap Sack – Straining the mash will return 50% of the content as liquid.
– Available Fresh Ciders: Apple, Pear, Plum, Elderberry and Fruits
Warning: Fresh cider will go bad after 2 weeks (even if they were put in a fridge), they will be too acid to drink. There are penalties..
Hard Ciders
– Add Yeasts to the container, they will slowly be consumed by the liquid until it is finally fermented.
– Ferment for 2 real weeks.
– Once the cider turns into “hard” cider, it becomes alcoholic.
– Remove extra yeasts.
*Containers with Fresh cider will accept Yeasts only.
Warning: It is not recommended to drink the Fresh cider during the fermentation period, especially after a week and before it becomes fully alcoholic, since it will contain high doses of toxics, which are bad for you.
– 1 x pot / cauldron with Mashed Fruits
– Add Honey to pot – requires at least 10% of honey jar
– Available Marmalade types: Apple, Pear, Plum, Elderberry and Fruits
The quantity of the ingredients should be at least 50% of the amount of the water in the cooking pot.
– 1 x pot / cauldron filled with at least 50% water.
– Mushroom Soup: only Mushrooms – any kind, single type or mixed (berries are optional).
– Potato Soup: only Peeled Potatos
– Pumpkin Soup: only Pumpkin Slices
– Tomato Soup: only Tomatos
– Zucchini Soup: only Zucchini
– Vegetables Soup: Use any mix of vegetables (mushrooms and berries are optional).
– Meat Soup: At least 1 meat steak (Vegies, mushrooms and berries are optional)
– Fish Soup: At least 1 fish fillet (Vegies, mushrooms and berries are optional)
– Chicken Soup: At least 1 chicken breat (Vegies, mushrooms and berries are optional)
1. There is no “Green Bell Pepper Soup” recipe because its just… But, green peppers can be used as any other vegi ingredient for other recipes.
2. Mixing meat types (fish with chicken or steak or any other way) will result in a Meat Soup
Cooked Rice
Water to Rice ratio is 2:1.
– 1 x pot / cauldron filled with any amount of water
– 1 x bag of Rice
– Boil for a minute or two
*A pot with 100% water will accept a full bag of rice.
– Bake food ingredients (meats and vegies) with lard
– Once baked, add water: 10% – 25%
– Boil for 1-2 minutes to let the liquids simmer
– Vegetables Stew: Use any mix of vegetables (mushrooms and berries are optional).
– Meat Stew: At least 1 meat steak (Vegies, mushrooms and berries are optional)
– Fish Stew: At least 1 fish fillet (Vegies, mushrooms and berries are optional)
– Chicken Stew: At least 1 chicken breat (Vegies, mushrooms and berries are optional)